
2ND Iconic film scenes to recreate in class

DUBBING To  change  the  sounds  and  speech  on a  film  or  television   programme ,  especially  to a different  language  In groups of maximum 3 people. follow these steps: 1- PICK AN ICONIC FILM SCENE (MINIMUM 1 MINUTE OF DIALOGUE) 2-  EACH OF YOU CHOOSES A CHARACTER (BOTH CHARACTERS MUST TALK for minimum 30secs each ) 3- DECIDE IF YOU WILL USE THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT OR CHANGE THE DIALOGUE 3-WRITE THE SCRIPT (ORIGINAL OR CHANGED) 4-REHEARSE 5-ACT IT OUT IN FRONT OF THE CLASS or DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO and record the voices youtube downloader: https://clipconverter.io/ Descargador de videos de YouTube n.º 1: descargue videos de YouTube en línea (ytbdownload.com) OPTIONS: 1. MEMORIZE THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT AND PERFORM THE  SCENE IN CLASS AS A MINI PLAY 2. RECORD YOUR VOICES DUBBED OVER THE SCENE. 3. CHANGE THE SCRIPT  AND RECORD YOUR VOICES DUBBED OVER THE SCENE. (MINIMUM 1 MINUTE)!!!!! EXAMPLE OF SOMETHING DIF...

2nd E.S.O. Describe with high level vocabulary

 First Certificate Exam----- PART 2 In Fce speaking part 2, the examiner gives you  two photographs  and asks you appropriate speaking questions to talk about them. You have to  speak  for  1 minute  without interruption and the interlocutor then  asks  the  other candidate  to comment on your photographs for about  30 seconds. The interlocutor will tell you  what you need to do , but there will also be a written prompt, in the form of a direct question, above the photographs. Pay attention to this; it is very important to remember not just to compare the photographs, but to also answer the question. This section is called the  ‘long turn’  because you will have to speak about two photographs for one minute without interruption. You will have to compare the photographs and then make a further comment on them. Once your turn has finished, you should  continue to listen carefully to your partner’s turn  b...

1ST ESO 2. Travel travel

 LET'S TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD... 1ºESO LAB VOCABULARY – 1st Term  a)        Accommodation : buildings or  rooms  where people  live  or  stay . b)       Foreign currency :   money  from a  country  that is not  your  own. c)        Flea market : a street market selling second-hand goods. d)       Outskirts : the outer parts of a town or city. e)       Downtown : the central  part  of a  city . f)         Square : In a city or town, an open, four-sided, area surrounded by buildings g)        Travel agent : a person that organizes people's holidays and journeys. h)       Itinerary : a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you  will   vis...

2nd E.S.O. speaking part 1

           Let's practice the 1st part of the  First Certificate Exam while we have fun!! EXPLANATION AND EXAMPLES: What's in FCE Speaking Part 1 (Interview)? | B2 First - engxam.com _______________________________________________________________________________ Short questions If you had the option to live anywhere, where would you choose? What was the last movie you saw in theaters? What’s your biggest pet peeve? (smt that annoys you) How would you spend an ideal Sunday? Would you rather take a vacation to Alaska or Hawaii? What’s your most hated household chore? If you could hire someone to help with yard work, cleaning or cooking – which would you choose? What’s your go-to karaoke song? What motivates you? What’s the most interesting subject you have this school year? If you won the lottery, what kind of crazy stuff would you do? What’s your favorite zoo animal – and are you a cat person or a dog person? What was the last book you read? Did you eve...

1ST ESO 4 Project 2. Planning a Trip!

PLANNING OUR CLASS TRIP Welcome back from the weekend!   How was it?  What did you do?  What is the coolest trip you have done? We are going to plan a trip.  Create a PPT / PREZI/ SLIDESHARE.... INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: 1. Find a DATE to travel  2. Decide where you want to go: DESTINATION 3. Decide the LENGTH of your trip. 4. Check what your BUDGET is.  Based on: travelling, accommodation and food. Offers? 5. What is the DOCUMENTATION you need? (Visa, passport, ID....) Travel INSURANCE? 6. Book the TICKETS if needed. Where can you get them? 7. Will you RENT a car or a bike there?  8. Book your ACCOMMODATION. Will you go camping?  9. Book your ACTIVITIES: Sightseeing?  AND USE AS MUCH VOCABULARY AS POSSIBLE!!!!!! **** THE LIST WILL BE POSTED ON TEAMS

2ND ESO 2. Let's become actors, advertisers and directors

  ADVERTISING... WHAT IS ADVERTISING?  Brainstorm.  Why do I suggest these words? Each person gives an answer with one of them. Advertisement (Ad) / commercial  Billboards (Hoarding in the U.K.) Prime Time Subconcious AIDA advertisers motto:  Attention, Interest, Desire, Action To launch a product Colours Celebrities Appearance  To go viral Mass media Here some videos that will blow your mind.... What have you learned from them? - - - - - Now your turn. With a partner you will write , design and perform an advertisement !!!! A good advertising  plan should help the advertiser tell people about the business, about the products and services for sale, and the benefits of buying from your business.   To accomplish all these objectives is not an easy task. This will be a team assignment (no more than three team members).  The promotion ideas will need to be neatly displayed on suitable backing material with appropriate explanations as necessary....