
What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘animal rights’?


What rights do animals have?


Should we all be vegan and not kill animals for food?


What rights do humans have that animals should also have?


Is keeping a pet going against animal rights?


What do you think of testing cosmetics on animals?


Would you join an animal rights group?


What animals should have the most rights?


What are blood sports? Should they be banned?


How are animal rights viewed in your country?





In today's world, how are animals suffering?


What do you think of killing animals for fur?


Does animal rights include rights for fish, birds and insects?


Should horse racing be banned?


What can we do to make sure animals' rights are respected?


What do you think of testing medicines on animals?


What bad things might happen to animals in circuses?


How happy do you think animals are in zoos?


Do humans have the right to hunt and kill animals?


How bad is it that many species are becoming extinct?



CORNERS Each corner of this room has a sign that says either strongly agree, mostly agree, mostly disagree and strongly disagree. When you see the statements, you must stand in the corner of the room which you think is most true for your opinion on the statement. With the people who agree with you and are standing at the corner with you, you will write 5 arguments as to why you think your opinion is correct.

ROLE PLAY You will work be given a character/role. You must answer the statements with what you think that person would say (eg. not your opinion!) You will have 2 minutes to prepare your response and then you will tell the rest of the class. Be creative!

ROLES 1. A pet owner 2. A hunter/poacher 3. A zoo keeper 4. David Attenborough 5. A blood sport athlete 6. An Animal Rights Activist 7. A vegan 8. A vegetarian 9. A farmer 10. YourselfÇ

EXTINCTION CHALLENGE Animals across the world are at risk of being extinct. In small groups, pick one of the animals in the picture or another animal you know to be at risk of extinction. Prepare a 2-3 minute debate as to why this animal should be protected The entire class group will then vote on the best group who made the most convincing argument. This animal will be protected from extinction forever... at least in this class!


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